Golfing Pain
Golf is a game that relies heavily on muscle memory, which can result in inflammation or injury of the group of muscles repetitively...
Golfing Pain
Neck Pain
Shin Splint or Stress Fracture?
TMD – It’s Just a Complete Pain in the Jaw
Dr. Jeffrey Sergent Earns DNS Exercise Trainer Certification
Exercise: The One Time in Your Life When Stress is Healthy for Your Body
Plantar Fasciitis is Such a Pain
Massage Isn’t Always the Answer: When it Hurts
What’s Up with Dr. Sergent’s Poster?
Motor Movement and Your Brain Power
Case Study: Massage After Traumatic Injury
Why Do I Keep Hurting Myself?
Chronic Pain – There’s More Than Meets the Eye
The Benefits of Massage for Expectant Moms
Say "Hello!" to Your Ankles
Split Personality: the Problem of Diastasis Recti